Friday 8 January, 2010

Yasagam - PROCESS

YASAGAM :- Tamil Word means - the process of asking something from someone for the survival. here we need help from you all to give knowledge for the real needy to survive in this world.

Vision :- Towards the generation which is bright in knowledge and provider of the same.

Mission :- Is to give knowledge for the people who is in real need without any partiality, and to make them survive in this world.

Values :- Yasagars - the members of YASAGAM and their Love towards Humanity

The process of YASAGAM - Anyone can make it from Your own place using Your own resource... the only thing is Your Precious Time which should be spent on this process. Its not mandatory to Donate money if it is not possible, but if anyone of you can read and understand these words then it is possible to give basic knowledge in language, computers, etc... or at least by showing them the right way to make things possible, As we say Information is wealth. You can even help us by giving your ideas to make this process better and by spreading this Message to your known good people. Like a River which gives life on the way and whoever comes to her.

Will u join hands with Yasagam to accomplish her motto?

Yasagan Siva Ranjan :)
(Plz Give Us Your Suggestions and Comments)